1. >5% Campaign
Currently, it is estimated that 95% of individuals who struggle with a substance use disorder will die from their maladjusted relationship to their substances of no choice. And, to those of us in recovery, we know that we can be greater than the 5% survivability chance currently afforded us by our socio-economic, cultural, and personal circumstances. To that end, Recovery Epicenter Foundation will reach out into our community to provide resources and tools to persons with a substance use disorder as well as their families. Anyone who is struggling to maintain abstinence from mind altering substances will be offered connection and inclusion with our RCO regardless of their use status. Through regular check-ins with affected persons, and access to free Narcan, the goal of our >5% outreach campaign is to reduce opioid overdose deaths in the regions we serve.
Programs that Partner and or are a part of the >5% Campaign:
Purpose Through Passion (Partner)
Families of Addictions Supporting Families of Addicts (FASFA) United (Partner)
Recovery Round Table (Program)
– We provide a monthly meeting in the counties that we operate in where stakeholders within the community come together to reduce barriers to recovery throughout the Tampa Bay area.
– Partnered with The Hope Shot RCO in Pasco and the Hillsborough Recovery Coalition in Tampa.
Gideon Narcan Policy (Program)
– We distribute Narcan to businesses in areas that experience high levels of overdose, with the primary focus being hotels and motels where we want a Narcan box in every end table next to the Gideon Bible. We are focusing on Highway 19 in Pasco and Pinellas county and adding to our distribution maps daily.
Sober Sports Alliance
– We provide safe and fun community connection competitions where treatment programs can bring their clients to softball games played between sober living homes or against other treatment centers, The intent is to foster community connections that exist through good sportsmanship and fellowship within the recovery community.
Project Rebirth
– We are working on joining other RCO’s throughout the state in providing a veterans and first responders peer program to help this demographic connect to their recovery and overcome trauma experienced through their service to us all. We are partnered with the Miami Recovery Project on this and very excited to see this program grow.
Florida Harm Reduction Collective – SSP’s
– We are providing outreach peer support to Safe Syringe Programs in Tampa and Pinellas with the hope to develop rapport and help persons still struggling with a substance use disorder so that when they are ready to get help we can place them in a substance use disorder treatment program.
Amnesty Program
– Under the >5% Campaign we are collecting in-kind donations from treatment programs and sober living homes that are willing to scholarship a bed or two each month for the Recovery Community to place a person without means or insurance.
– Partnered with the Hope Shot on this project
2. Operation Recovery Starters Kit
Recovery Epicenter Foundation often receives numerous donations in the form of food, hygiene products, clothes, and linens. The goal of our Recovery Starters Kit outreach campaign will be to equip persons with a substance use disorder with necessities for survival. This will be the beginning of our Mobile Harm Reduction Unit.
– We are already seeing a lot of need at sober living homes, and through SSP’s throughout the Tampa Bay Region. We are excited to bring new partners into this program so that we can hopefully eliminate food insecurity for the participants we serve.
3. Opioid Task Force Proposals
a) REF is going to be proposing a continuum of care policy for all throughout the Tampa Bay Region that includes scholarship funding for accredited sober living beds as well as funding for all programs within the Tampa Bay region to gain their FARR accreditation regardless of how big their program is.
b) REF is going to be proposing funding for a MAT solution in the traditional abstinence based space of sober living.
c) REF is going to be proposing funding for a Respite Center to help people throughout the counties we serve with a non-medical emergency catchers mitt for those who return to active use but don’t qualify for immediate admittance in a hospital, or detox.